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Blog Posts

Arya EHR
Aug 20, 20203 min read
Patients WANT to start booking their own doctors appointments!
Online appointment booking frees up time in your clinic to focus on patient care while reducing operating costs and administrative work.

Arya EHR
Apr 21, 20204 min read
Building in Billing: Why ‘Arya EHR’ Chose Dr. Bill for their Electronic Medical Records Software
Arya looked at building a billing tool ourselves, but we quickly decided it would be more effective and easier to integrate Dr Bill instead.

Arya EHR
Apr 4, 20202 min read
COVID-19 Tracking & Care: Arya Partners with ICU & Emergency Departments in greater Vancouver.
Partnering with Medical Departments in Greater Vancouver, Arya is doing our part to support the medical community during the COVID pandemic.

Arya EHR
Mar 17, 20203 min read
Are EMRs making patient and physician's lives better?
If you are new to the profession and haven't been without an EMR it might be easy to overlook the advantages that EMRs have created.

Arya EHR
Mar 2, 20203 min read
How to choose the RIGHT Electronic Medical Records Software (EMR / EHR)
One of the most important business decisions you will make is what EMR want to use in your clinic. How will you decide which one to use?

Arya EHR
Feb 25, 20203 min read
Do Doctors spend more time with their EMR than they do with their patients?
Given the short appointments that physicians have their EMR needs to be efficient as to focus their time on the patient needs, not EMR needs

Arya EHR
Jan 26, 20203 min read
Are you a Slave to your Electronic Health Records?
Problems with clunky electronic health record workflows are driving some physcians out of healthcare. #AryaEHR Electronic Health Records

Arya EHR
Nov 25, 20192 min read
Electronic Health Record Usability & Professional Burnout Among Physicians
Usability of EHR systems has show to affect the potential burnout of physicians according to a recent study. Arya EHR aims to solve that.

Arya EHR
Sep 1, 20191 min read
Why we started.
"There has to be a better option!" Our founders (who are physicians), created their own EMR to fill a need in the market.
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